Unbeatable Courier Services

MF Couriers is world leading courier service company and provides a #1 Solution.

MF Couriers is a proud Level 1 BBBEE contributor and boasts a 100% Black Ownership status. Established by a vibrant individual, Megan Ferreira. Megan has a wealth of experience gained over more than 15yrs in the courier/transport industry. She has enjoyed a colourful journey in leadership roles and now uses her tested knowledge to provide the best delivery service at MF Couriers.

Overnight Express

Delivery by 10h30 the following working day to all major centres and 1-2 days to all regional centres. Regional centres could take longer dependant on the days the areas are serviced. Customer Service Agents can advise.

Road Freight

Delivery within 2-3 days to all major centres within the borders of South Africa. All regional centres will carry an extra 1-2 days dependant on the destination. Customer Service Agents can advise.

Overnight Road

Delivery before close of business (17h00) if collected the previous day from Cape Town to Johannesburg and Johannesburg to Cape Town only.


"Unbound printed paper". These include letters, reports, proposals, memos, etc. and do not require pro-forma / commercial invoices. Customs documentation (invoices) are only required for documents exceeding 3kgs.

Small Parcels (Non-Documents)

Non-Documents are defined as anything other than documents, such as clothing and textile samples, books, photographs, spare parts, X-Rays, etc. Please note that all non-document consignments require invoices as per customs requirements and may attract an extra 1-2 day transit time customs pending.


Collections in foreign countries can be arranged and charged to your local account. Please note that some collections will be subject to quotation and will only be accepted by fax or email instructions.


Overnight volumetric weight is calculated by length x width x height / 5000 volume factor. Economy volumetric weight is calculated by length x width x height / 5000 volume factor.

Road Freight and International

All volumetric weight is calculated by length x width x height / 4000 volume factor.


2.5% of the invoice value would be required to insure goods.

General Information


Should you require assistance with the tracking of your consignments, contact our Customer Service Department at our office between 08h00 and 17h00 daily.


2.5% of the invoice value would be required to insure goods.


Any shipments over R1 000.00 will be considered high value and needs to be specified and declared.


Worksheets are processed weekly, including date of shipments, name of shipper, name of consignments, type of service, weight of consignments and total costs. Invoices are available weekly and statements are available on the 25th of each month. If the 25th is on a weekend the following Monday will be the preferred day. Terms of payment are strictly 30 (thirty) days from date of the statement.


Proof of delivery is made available to the customer by our Customer Services Department. Pods are sent through by email once confirmation of delivery has been received.


All goods conveyed are subject to the MF Couriers terms and conditions of carriage. MF Couriers reserve the right to reject any consignment that does not conform to the law of carriage, or is in violation of the conditions stated by MF Couriers. For non-document/ dutiable items, duty or taxes incurred at the point of entry are not included in our rates. Payments of these charges are the receiver's responsibility.